Deploy AWS Lambda Functions As Docker Container Images.
Support for container images on AWS The introduction of Lambda occurred during AWS re:Invent 2020. This was a significant new addition to the functions-as-a-service package offered by AWS. In addition to offering a pay-per-value approach, Lambda offers developers various advantages in managing scale, high availability, and fault tolerance. Lambda is now an option for a larger group of developers thanks to its support for container packaging for functions.
In this post we will be sharing how to Deploy AWS Lambda Functions As Docker Container Images. But before moving further let’s have a small glimpse on what is AWS lambda and what is Docker
What is AWS Lambda?
You may run code using AWS Lambda’s computing service without setting up or maintaining servers. Lambda executes your code on a high-availability computing infrastructure while handling all compute resource management tasks, such as server and operating system upkeep, capacity provisioning and automated scaling, and logging. You may execute code for practically any kind of application or backend service with Lambda. Simply provide your code in one of the languages supported by Lambda.
Your code is organised into Lambda functions. Lambda scalable automatically from a few requests per day to thousands per second, running your function only when necessary. When your code is not executing, there is no fee; you just pay for the computer time you use.
Docker Container Images
In 2013, an open source Docker Engine was introduced, introducing the Docker container technology. It made use of pre-existing computing ideas related to containers and, notably, Linux primitives called cgroups and namespaces.
Because it focuses on the needs of developers and systems administrators to decouple application dependencies from infrastructure, Docker’s technology is distinctive. A collaboration between Docker and Microsoft delivered Docker containers and their features to Windows Server as a result of success in the Linux community.
All significant data centre suppliers and cloud providers have made use of technology from Docker and its open source project, Moby. For their container-native IaaS solutions, several of these companies use Docker. Additionally, Docker container technology is used by the top open source serverless frameworks.
Deploying AWS Lambda Functions As Docker Container Images
A set of quick steps to build a AWS Lambda functions (in Node.js) as a Docker Container Image, push it to ECR, and manually deploy using the lambda console. This will provide an idea of how easy it is to integrate Docker into the Lambda build process.
Build Lambda function as a Docker Container Image
- Create a sample Node.js project.
2. Create a Lambda handler function with some code.
3. Create a Dockerfile and add instructions on how to build the container. Also, point the Lambda handler with CMD.
4. Build the Lambda function as a Docker image.
Push Lambda container image to ECR
5. Log in to ECR via a terminal session.
6. Create a new repository in ECR for storing the Lambda function container.
7. Tag the docker image and push it to ECR.
Deploy Lambda container image with AWS Lambda console
8. Navigate to the Lambda console ( > Create Function > Select `Container image` option > Fill in Basic information by specifying the preferred ECR image > Create Function.
Now the function container image will get deployed and you will get a success notification.
Final word
To learn more about Deploying AWS Lambda Functions As Docker Container Images, you have read this post. This article included a brief introduction to AWS Lambda and Docker Container Images.
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