Importance of Mobile Application Testing for Enterprises

2 min readOct 5, 2020


What is Mobile App Testing?

“Software testers do not make software; they only make them better.”

It is the process of running tests against a mobile application to make sure that it is functionality and usability meet the requirements and the application is ready for launch. Mobile application testing enables enterprises to build applications that are scalable and accessible across multiple platforms.

The mobile app testing is break down into different steps:

  • Unit Testing
  • Functional & Acceptance Testing
  • Performance Testing

Jai Infoway offers mobile testing services for both functional and non-functional testing of mobile applications.

Importance of Mobile Application Testing for Enterprises

  • To Ensure Success of a Mobile Application
  • Helps in Reducing Risks
  • Promotes Compatibility with a Variety of Devices
  • For checking better UI/UX
  • It helps in detecting bugs during the early stages of development.

Some Key Factors to Consider in Mobile Application Testing

  • Select the most suitable devices for testing as per the preferences of the target group and the usage pattern.
  • Cloud Testing is a new approach which will bring down the testing costs.
  • Manual/Automated testing can be done.
  • It is important to test the applications under varying network conditions, to make them functional across challenging network scenarios.

We take your ideas and forge them into user-focused products ready for market validation.

Hire Jai Infoway for software Testing service.

