What is DevOps and why is it used

3 min readJan 9, 2023


As we all know, science has progressed a lot these days and the software industry has contributed a lot behind its progress. Due to the software industry, many tasks which were difficult to even think about, it made human life very simple and convenient by completing it in a very easy way.

But to do all these tasks, quality, network speed, development, etc. are required, so DevOps was invented to fulfill all these things. In today’s post, we will talk in detail about what is DevOps and where it is used.

What Is DevOps

DevOps is made up of two words Development and Operations. It is not any kind of tool or technology, but a methodology, which promotes mutual cooperation between the development and operations team, that is, reduces the gap between them and improves the coordination of the team.

As a result of which there is a lot of speed in building software, testing it and releasing it, that is, it is a reliable and fast method compared to traditional methods of software development.

DevOps is seen as a new methodology or movement in the software development sector, which is adopted to increase the reliability and speed of an organization’s software and service delivery capabilities. This speed up of development and management processes results in better feedback from customers, and can compete more strongly in the market.

How does DevOps work?

  • DevOps is a methodology for improving software development which introduces Jai Infoway as the life cycle of software to plan, code, operate, test, build, release, feedback etc.
  • In this, DEVELOPERS work on every small update of it, so that they can do their participation well in every field.
  • In DevOps, its frontline team designs the software keeping in mind the time and effort of the user so that it works well on the first try.
  • To reduce the waiting time, the software team uses CDs to process from one stage to another, while the IT team implements policies keeping this change in mind.

Some of the main advantages of DevOps are as follows.

You know DevOps is not a tool or technology, but a way of working, in which mutual cooperation of the team is promoted, so that by following the standards, the speed of production can be increased by adopting automated methods and high level of production.

1.Faster Delivery Time

The principle of DevOps is to efficiently and quickly accelerate the software development process by adopting automated methods, and at the same time it aims at faster delivery of the product and quick feedback.

2.High Collaboration Between Teams

Prior to DevOps, there was a lack of coordination between the development and operational team, both of these teams used to work separately from each other, which affected the development and production of the product. Today, the coordination and communication between Teams working under DevOps methodology has become of high level, which directly results in higher production, better quality and faster delivery.

3.Defect Correction

Because in this methodology, more importance is given to Coordination and Cooperation between different teams, so the teams work together, so that if any defect is found during the process, it can be detected and resolved. Turns out to be pretty easy. Its direct benefit is given to the customer in the form of a high level of service or product.

4.Continuous Delivery

DevOps is often referred to as Continuous Delivery of the product, because as a result of its automated process, the software product is always in a release ready-state. It is a pre-production process, where the developer passes the application through various dimensions, so that it can be fully verified.

Visit jaiinfoway for the services in Devops.




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